New ordinance of the President of the Capital City of Warsaw – details

Warsaw! Some changes have come. From October 19, 2021, a new ordinance of the President of the Capital City of Warsaw is in force regarding:

👉 formulation of the rules for concluding agreements specifying the conditions for the construction or reconstruction of public roads by investors in non-road investments
👉 establishment an inverstors cooperation team in non-road investments.

Check the details of the amendment in the article [EN & PL] written by Grzegorz PiórczyÅ„ski.

On 19.10.2021 an Ordinance of the Mayor of the Capital City of Warsaw came into force, which is worth paying attention to if you plan an investment in our capital and start creating a budget. This ordinance defines the rules of concluding agreements specifying the conditions of construction or reconstruction of public roads by the Investors of non-road investments and establishing a team for cooperation with investors of non-road investments. The most important aspect of it is introduction of rates constituting annex no. 1 to the Ordinance and described in § 7, i.e. ordering of the issue of costs which private investors are charged with while constructing road infrastructure.

§ 7. 1.  To calculate the value of a road investment specified in the agreement defining the conditions for construction or reconstruction of public roads by investors of non-road investments the rates specified in annex no. 1 to the Ordinance shall apply. 

2. The boundaries of the division of the Capital City of Warsaw into zones, on which the rates referred to in sub-clause 1 depend, shall be specified in Exhibit No. 2 to the Ordinance. 3.

3. The rates set forth in Appendix No. 1 to the Ordinance shall be subject to annual adjustment according to the annual average consumer price index for goods and services in a given year in comparison with the preceding year, announced by the President of the Central Statistical Office.

The rates according to which the value of a road investment indicated in the agreement specifying the conditions for construction or reconstruction of public roads by investors of non-road investments is calculated:

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The ordinance enters into force on 01.01.2022.

The full text is available here:,frameless.htm

Next investition for GLP Europe

Trebbi Polska and GLP Europe are an undeniably harmonious duo! Our cooperation has been going for quite a while, and today we can be proud of another joint project.

This time we are completing and verifying as-built documentation for the next investment in Germany – Magna Park Berlin-Werder. These are 2 logistics halls with an area of 62,000 m2.

Let’s do it!

#glp #TDD #Germany #logistichall