We are in Builder Poland!

➡️ What are fit-outs?
➡️ What distinguishes office fit-outs?
➡️ Why are they a challenge to the executive team?

These and some other questions are answered by our Architect and Design Coordinator – Agnieszka Kotuniak-Olszewska in a special article prepared for Builder Polska.
Our experience in the field of fit-outs allows us to implement further projects, such as the one for Browary Warszawskie, where the residential, office and service areas were combined.

Feel free to browse the following article 👉 https://bit.ly/3ie36iG

Builder’s Day 2021

Today we celebrating the Builder’s Day!

It is an especially important holiday for us, the tradition of which dates back to the times of the Polish People’s Republic. Moreover, it was associated not only with emphasizing the importance of work leaders, but also with … an earlier end of work.

Although times have changed, it is worth remembering about those who share one place – a construction site. On this occasion, we would like to wish all the Builders the best things – professional fulfillment, defect-free handovers and satisfaction with the contribution to the development of the construction industry.

We gain knowledge and we want to share it!

We are constantly developing and we are happy to share our knowledge!

Such an opportunity is offered by industry events in which we often participate. Also during the seminar organized by British Embassy Warsaw, we had the opportunity to discuss the New Polish Public Procurement Law together with Mariusz Witkun and Arkadiusz Osiński MRICS who was an expert on Q&A session.

Thank you for the invitation!

#conference #law #procurement #development

DOZ S.A. with a new work space

We always fulfill our obligations on time! And in the case of fit-outs carried out for one of our clients, we complete this project 20 days earlier!

Thanks to the watchful eye of Anna Pilch and Paweł Majewski, DOZ S.A. can enjoy the comfortable space arranged in the center of Warsaw within 2 months! The view from the 10th and 14th floors is delightful, and the details and solutions are perfect for office work!

And this is not the end … There are more fit-outs for CPI Property Group Polska that we cannot wait to share with you!

#fitout #projectmanagemnet #supervison #project

Technical audit for Brookfield Asset Management

Four warehouses, two properties, one customer!

We had the pleasure to conduct a technical audit for Brookfield Asset Management in two locations: Warsaw and Wrocław, in 4 halls with a total area of 122 660.99 m2!
What’s more, we also supported the process of purchasing these real estates, thanks to which the defects in TTD were removed and their costs were agreed.

Thank you for your trust and remember – you are always welcome!

#wearehouse #audit #TDD #realestate

Innovative. Modern. Slight.

by Mariusz Witkun

SBU (Small Business Units) is a new format on the domestic real estate market. Currently, the demand for large warehouse space exceeds what has been happening on the market so far. But there is one problem. Minimum 1,500 or 2,000 m2 of space can be rented in these facilities. And what about those who do not need such large halls for themselves? Should they develop their businesses in a garage at home? Well, no – the answer to this is a new business line – halls adapted to smaller, often family businesses. Halls starting from 250 m2 in size, with appropriate infrastructure, an office, a showroom, a place for selling goods and services.

Trebbi Polska, together with innovative Investors, is implementing a line of facilities tailored to these needs. The first flagship facility is being built near Wrocław and offers modern, well-designed warehouse space that fits all budgets, together with flexible office and exhibition space. We invite thriving family businesses, smaller service companies, trade in building elements but also any other activity to these facilities. The building is modern, it offers the same as large halls from large developers, but at the same time, due to the flexibility inherent in the design, it adapts to this niche on the market, which was ignored in modern halls for quite a long time.

The facilities are fully equipped, they offer beautiful display windows that allow companies to show their products and goods to their customers, giving a unique combination of a warehouse, office and sales area.

World Skyscraper Day

Did you know that World Skyscraper Day coincides with Louis Sullivan’s birthday?

He was an American architect who initiated the technological revolution by replacing brick with steel skeletons, which allowed the construction of higher and higher buildings.

Despite the fact that he became the father of the aesthetics of skyscrapers, in his work he was always guided by the motto “Form follows function”, thanks to which the aesthetics of urban development did not obscure the function of the building.

Is now so? That’s a good question. It all depends on your sense of style and individual preferences, but just take a look at the appearance of cities today to see the contrast between the Sullivan assumption and the work of modern architects.

What do you think about this?

#skyscraper #construction #realestate